Wholesale socks are a game-changer for homeless shelters and charities
Most people definitely don’t think of socks when discussing great gift ideas, but thankfully that’s because most people don’t desperately need them. Some people do.
For the countless homeless and displaced persons nationwide who have next to nothing, a gift of a few pairs of socks can feel like the best present they’ve ever received.
Wholesale socks are a perfect fit for any season
Socks are seasonless, soft, comfortable, and for those who are on their feet every day as they move from place to place, they are a crucially important health and hygiene item valued above all others.
Buying socks in bulk for homeless care kits
Socks protect feet –especially those without shoes—from rough terrain with sharp rocks and broken glass, provide padding while walking, can prevent frostbite, offer a layer of insulating warmth on cold winter nights, and help wick away moisture and sweat in the summer. They are worn for every-day activities including work and school, athletic endeavors, and for relaxation.
Make wholesale socks part of your next charity drive
Socks are the number one most requested item by shelters and charitable organizations around the country, and that’s why Bags in Bulk has you (and your feet) covered. BagsinBulk is one of the nation’s leading wholesale sock manufacturers online. Choose from unbeatable assortments of high quality, cheap cotton socks in bulk including bulk men’s socks and bulk women’s socks in solid color packs, patterns, and various styles including tube, crew, and ankle socks.
There is an extensive list of reasons the need for bulk socks for homeless and in-need individuals is so high. According to the Mayo Clinic, winter frostbite can occur in as little as 30 minutes when exposed to the elements, day or night. Warm, well-fitting socks can help to prevent this for those whose “homes” are always outside, regardless of the season.
Wholesale winter socks can save a life
In the summer, moisture-wicking socks do more than just ensure comfort. By pulling sweat away from the skin, infections and blisters can potentially be prevented. Bacteria thrives in warm and moist environments, like a very old and tattered pair of shoes worn by an individual who has nothing else and who walks in them every day. Having access to a clean and dry pair of socks can dramatically reduce their chance of developing serious foot infections.
Wholesale winter socks for homeless fundraisers
Clean and comfortable socks are equally important in this regard for individuals with diabetes and other related health conditions. According the American Diabetes Association, over 1.5 million Americans suffer from Type 1 diabetes, which puts them at serious risk for foot-related diseases and complications. Add to that the staggering fact that 17 out of every 100 people in America were reported to be homeless just last year according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, and it’s clear that a significant portion of the population is in desperate need of clean and well-fitting socks not only for comfort but for their health and well-being.
Walking barefoot or in inadequate shoes exposes feet to injury, infection and pain. A study out of Samuel Merritt University identified foot and ankle health as an important public health concern for the homeless. More importantly, it’s an important public health concern that we can make actual strides toward fixing.
Buy wholesale socks for homeless shelters
Donating a pack of highly-needed bulk socks for homeless shelters, disaster relief centers, or other charitable organizations has a wide-reaching and truly powerful impact. A simple item of clothing that you dread receiving from your relatives during the holidays is actually the most welcome and needed gift for those who have lost everything.
It’s a major “feat” to improve the lives of others, and now it’s easier than ever. Together we can do our part right here at home to make an impactful difference in our communities.