Outdoor Gear
Shop our collection of bulk camping equipment and outdoor accessories, featuring bulk blankets, wholesale sleeping bags and tents, poly tarps, and more. Bags in Bulk is the leading supplier of bulk and wholesale tents and other outdoor essentials that are perfect for donating to shelters, outreach organizations, and communities in need. We carry a wide variety of outdoor camping equipment that can make all the difference for at-risk, unhoused, and homeless people.
Bulk Blankets, Tents, & Sleeping Bags for donating
As low as:$18.00
Dome Tent 2-Person - Assorted Colors
14 reviewsItem: #7059ASTOur Wholesale Tents will keep you nice and warm during those chilly nights. Each tent measures 78" x 59" x 43" and is perfect for adults and childr...
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As low as:$25.00
Dome Tent 3-4 Person - Green
5 reviewsItem: #7060GRNOur wholesale Dome Tents are perfect for any season whether it be the middle of winter or a cool, summer night! Each tent measures 82.5" x 79" x 43...
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As low as:$37.00
Dome Tent 5-6 Person - Hunter Green
No reviewsItem: #2367Our Wholesale Tents are perfect for any season whether it be the middle of winter or a cool, summer night! Each tent measures 112" x 112" x 44" and...
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