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Outdoor Gear

Shop our collection of bulk camping equipment and outdoor accessories, featuring bulk blankets, wholesale sleeping bags and tents, poly tarps, and more. Bags in Bulk is the leading supplier of bulk and wholesale tents and other outdoor essentials that are perfect for donating to shelters, outreach organizations, and communities in need. We carry a wide variety of outdoor camping equipment that can make all the difference for at-risk, unhoused, and homeless people.

Bulk Blankets, Tents, & Sleeping Bags for donating

The best prices on essential camping and outdoor equipment and accessories like sleeping bags, blankets, tents, and ponchos. Shop high quality, affordable camping equipment that's perfect for scouts and outdoor activities, or for donating to homeless shelters and nonprofits. With no minimum orders and the lowest prices online, Bags in Bulk is the #1 choice for bulk and wholesale outdoor & camping supplies.
  • As low as:

    Hand Warmers

    Item: #TT9691

    Defeat the cold with our new hand warmers. Perfect for outdoor events and more, during those cold chilly nights. These hand warmers are long-lastin...

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  • As low as:

    Foot Warmers

    Item: #TT9692

    Defeat the cold with our new foot warmers. Perfect for outdoor events and more, during those cold chilly nights. These foot warmers are long-lastin...

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  • As low as:

    Wholesale Body Warmers

    Item: #TT9694

    Defeat the cold with our new body warmer. Perfect for outdoor events and more, during those cold chilly nights. This body warmer is long-lasting an...

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