Outdoor Gear
Shop our collection of bulk camping equipment and outdoor accessories, featuring bulk blankets, wholesale sleeping bags and tents, poly tarps, and more. Bags in Bulk is the leading supplier of bulk and wholesale tents and other outdoor essentials that are perfect for donating to shelters, outreach organizations, and communities in need. We carry a wide variety of outdoor camping equipment that can make all the difference for at-risk, unhoused, and homeless people.
Bulk Blankets, Tents, & Sleeping Bags for donating
As low as:$3.00
Fleece Blankets 50" x 60"
24 reviewsItem: #3993Whether you are cozying up on the sofa or braving the elements outdoors, this high-quality fleece blanket is sure to keep you warm. Made from lig...
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As low as:$3.50
Plaid Fleece Blankets 50" x 60"
13 reviewsItem: #3995Our Bulk Plaid Fleece Blankets are the perfect thing to keep you warm during those chilly nights. Made from plush 160-180 GSM fleece that's lightwe...
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As low as:$4.25
Teddy Fleece Throw Blankets 50" x 60"
25 reviewsItem: #7158Curl up in this soft, durable, thick plush blanket on the couch or around the house. Also perfect for staying warm outdoors, take it out camping ...
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As low as:$4.75
Twin Fleece Throw Blankets 80" x 60"
6 reviewsItem: #3996Our Wholesale Twin Fleece Throw Blankets in Assorted Colors will definitely keep you warm during those chilly nights. Made from high quality 160-...
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As low as:$5.50
Soft Fleece Waffle Blankets 50" x 60" (250 GSM)
8 reviewsItem: #2341Our Soft Fleece Waffle Blankets will definitely keep you warm during those chilly nights. The Waffle blanket measures 50 x 60 inches which is perfe...
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As low as:$5.75
Cozy Luxe Large Throw Blankets 80" x 60"
No reviewsItem: #4122Curl up in this large, durable, thick plush blanket on the couch or around the house. Also perfect for staying warm outdoors, take it out camping ...
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As low as:$7.50
Waterproof Outdoor Convertible Blanket With Carry Handle 60” x 50”
1 reviewItem: #2830BLKIndulge in the ultimate luxury with our Outdoor Polar Fleece Convertible Tote Blanket. Soft and warm, it effortlessly transforms into a tote bag f...
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As low as:$1.50
Fleece Kids Blanket 30" x 40" - 5 Assorted Colors
6 reviewsItem: #3994ASTOur Wholesale Kids Fleece Blankets are perfect for keeping warm on chilly nights. These bulk blankets are sold in case-packs of 24, making them ide...
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As low as:$0.63
Mylar Emergency Space Blanket 84" x 52"
8 reviewsItem: #7518These wholesale Mylar Emergency Thermal Space Blankets are perfect for emergency kits, backpacking, or anywhere you might need a little emergency w...
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