The Warmth of Charity: Providing Fleece Jackets to People in Need
It’s cold out there, “weather” we like it or not! The fact is that no matter if you prefer summer or winter, absolutely nobody enjoys shoveling mountains of snow, getting pelted with sleet, or even getting out of bed on a bitterly cold morning. And when we step outside, we pull our coats a little closer as we fight the chill and try to keep out the brutal winds, ice, and frost.
Bulk winter puffer coats for donating to your favorite cause
Wholesale winter coats provide protection not only against the unyielding cold, but also against the feelings of isolation that can come with the long months of low sunlight and freezing temperatures. It is a cold weather staple that we cannot do without. Yet for some, it is an item crucial to survival that they have to do without. We can change that.
Help the homeless with wholesale fleece jackets
For less fortunate individuals in our communities, the reality of that statement is far from a catchy TV tagline. With winter’s arrival comes conditions that require warm, water-resistant outer layers to ensure not only comfort but actual survival. Those who need protection from the elements know no common gender, age, religious affiliation, ethnicity, or vocation. Winter affects us all equally.
Bulk winter coats for coat drives and donating
There are countless groups and organizations who benefit from, and are greatly in need of, a gift of wholesale winter coats, women, and children alike. At this very moment, there are hundreds of under-privileged and under-funded school districts nationwide whose students and families struggle to even afford notebooks and pencils, let alone a new winter jacket for a growing child.
No child should ever have to be ridiculed for walking to school in rags, nor should they ever have to freeze at the bus stop because their family just can’t afford a new coat this year. Bags in Bulk bulk winter puffer coats are perfect for donating to children in need.
Bulk coats and jackets for coat drives
There are also children and women who have been displaced temporarily due to domestic violence or tragedy. Alone, frightened, and cold, they turn to shelters to supply a coat to keep them warm as they get back on their feet and start over. Many leave home with only the clothes on their backs, and have no time to grab essential winter items –but that doesn’t mean they don’t need them.
This is no less true for the hundreds of homeless persons who have only streets and sidewalks to call home. Times are tough, but there is absolutely no reason anyone in this country should freeze to death outside overnight simply because the shelter or charity they relied on ran out of coats to offer.
Bulk and wholesale winter coats for donating to veterans
Veterans, the mentally ill, victims of natural disasters, and those who have suffered unforeseeable tragedies are those who have nowhere else to turn, and are as human as the rest of us. They deserve love, care, and protection.
A bulk puffer coats for donating to an organization that helps any of the above groups will never, ever go to waste. Unlike some items where it may or may not be what an organization most needs, every wholesale winter coat assortment will always find the adults and children who need them most.
Wholesale coats for homeless and underprivileged people
Just because each pack offers 24 winter coats in bulk for one affordable price does not mean that they are cheap or flimsy. In fact, every fleece coat is actually fully lined inside, water resistant outside, and features 100% polyester “down” filling and lining that retains body heat and increases warmth.
Bags in Bulk wholesale winter coats are all easy zip-up (no snaps to fight with when hands are cold or wearing gloves), they offer 2 deep pockets and a fitted hood that stays on, and cinched (elastic) wrists that tuck into sleeves and provide a sleek look while keeping gloves on and cold and snow out!
Wholesale and bulk winter coats for coat drives
Plus, the puffy, quilted outer keep cold rains and snow at bay so the wearer never has to feel fall or winter’s chill. This is especially important for everyone, but none so much as those who live on the streets.
Contribute to a good cause! Every wholesale down jacket pack contains coats in a wide assortment of colors and sizes ideal for businesses or non-profit groups including charities, churches, schools, or government agencies in support of homeless shelters, mission trips, schools, natural disasters, hurricane relief, and more. Wholesale warm winter coats are the one donation item that is never wasted, and you can “coat” us on that.