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View of the homeless encampments along Central Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles, California

Wholesale Hygiene Kits Give Hope to Those Who Need It Most

At a time when so many of us are working from or (have kids) attending school at home, we’ve had to adjust our lives dramatically. So much of our time is now centered around our homes, keeping our hands clean, and staying safe amidst the covid-19 pandemic. 

But what about those who have no home or permanent shelter? Where can they turn to to clean their hands, take a shower, and take care of every-day basic hygiene needs? 

Affordable, accessible homeless hygiene kits

The difficult answer is that most homeless and displaced individuals don’t have access to any of the  basic essentials that we all take mostly for granted. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do something to help change that! 

BagsinBulk has a dedicated assortment of wholesale hygiene supplies and homeless hygiene kits that are perfect homeless shelter donation items. We firmly believe that not having a home should never mean that any person lacks the most important essentials needed for health, wellness, and safety.


Wholesale hand sanitizer and hand soap

Consistent hand washing and hand sanitizing go a long way toward staying healthy. Our wholesale unscented hand sanitizer in bulk packs is perfect for adults, children, teens, group shelters, dorms, schools, and people are who are sensitive to fragrance/perfumes.  Each bottle is 2 oz., has an easy pop-top for opening and resealing, and contains 70% alcohol. (The CDC recommends at least 60% alcohol to properly combat germs and bacteria, so this is definitely the good stuff!) 

When there is adequate access to sinks and shower facilities available, our wholesale liquid hand soap can be used to really get the every-day dirt and germs off to ensure good hygiene. 100 to a pack, each bottle of the travel size soap in bulk has an easy poppable bottom cap that stays attached so it doesn’t get lost, allows for easy access to the soap inside without having to touch any kind of pump, and can be resealed for multiple uses.

Wholesale hygiene kits and homeless kits

Convenient access to health and wellness supplies is important, and so we have gone to great lengths to address not just the clean hand needs of individuals, but whole body hygiene care as well. 

Our individually packaged wholesale travel size toiletries in bulk are specially crafted to be ideal for all ages and genders, and represent the basic needs shared by even the most diverse groups in every community. We know that there are so many people from all walks of life who are in need of help for various reasons, including those who are often overlooked. It’s for this reason that we have created multipurpose packs that can be utilized as hygiene kits for

Wholesale feminine hygiene kits are here at Bags in Bulk! 

Women are also a significantly under-represented group, and unfortunately there are many homeless women and teens, incarcerated women and teens, and those affected by natural disasters who have been left with nothing. Bags in Bulk recognizes that the need for proper feminine health care items is almost never met for those in these unfortunate circumstances, and so this year we have created our first-ever hygiene bags for homeless women.

Our feminine hygiene kits include basic hair, oral, and body care products, along with feminine pads and liners, because we know that this is the number one item that homeless and displaced women do not have adequate access to. We anticipate that these new women’s wholesale hygiene supplies and wholesale women’s sanitary pads will help improve the circumstances for many women in need of basic health and hygiene care items. 

Travel size toiletries in bulk 

Also new this year is our addition of individual care items in bulk. We know that not everyone has the same needs at the same time, but it’s important to meet those specific needs that are most important to each community. In that spirit, we are proud to announce that we are now offering packs of bulk shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles, as well as bulk travel toothbrush holders, toothpaste, deodorant, wholesale petroleum jelly, bar soap, shaving cream packets, and more! 


Good neighbors, good deeds, and good health are here at Bags in Bulk  

As we sit in comfortably in our homes, and especially with colder weather approaching for so many of us, now more than ever it’s important to keep in mind those less fortunate individuals in our communities who need things we so often take for granted. 

What have you given recently? Have you made a difference in your community? The simple act of gifting a care package or basic hygiene items to someone in need can change their mood, their day, their week, and even their life! 

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