Health and Home Hygiene Kits in Bulk for Families – Stay Away from Stores and Crowds
Do you have your Coronavirus supplies checklist handy? Does it say you need more soap? How about shampoo? A toothbrush? Deodorant, perhaps? In our rush to stock up on toilet paper and food, a lot of families overlooked the essential every-day items we rely on for normal health and well-being. How long will it be before you run out of these must-haves? Where will you go when you do? Stores, even now, are crowded with desperate customers facing barren shelves, and just about everywhere online is completely sold out of these supplies for at least another two months.
We here at Bags in Bulk are also facing the same uncertainties of this new reality, and we want to do our part to help everyone stay healthy, safe, and well-supplied. Now that social isolation and online shopping are the new normal we must maintain to protect public health, families across the country are searching for a way to stay supplied and get the items they need most, delivered to their doorstep.
One Stop Family Health Shop
While Bags in Bulk is typically known for our quality wholesale backpacks and school supplies, we also offer a wide variety of hygiene kits products for sale, as well as bulk hygiene kits in 6-, 15-, and 20-piece assortments. Our wholesale hygiene kits come in 24, 48, and even 96 kits to a case. Families, including children, teens, and adults, will have the bar soaps, shaving creams, conditioners, antibiotic ointments, shampoo, and tissues they need to stay safe and healthy for the predicted 18 months ahead.
Our hygiene and Coronavirus supplies for home come in individually wrapped sets, so if someone in your home or neighborhood does find themselves feeling under the weather and needing to isolate, they can utilize an entire, reusable pouch of their own wellness supplies and hygiene items – with no need to share with anyone or risk their exposure.
Kindness Still Matters
It’s more important now than ever before to protect our most vulnerable members of society in every way that we can. The only good to have emerged from this unexpected turn of events is that people everywhere are coming together more than ever (so to speak) to engage in incredible acts of charity and compassion. We may have to live differently, but we have not stopped living or caring.
Individuals and organizations have been donating toilet paper, bulk hygiene kits, essential clothing items, and more to those in greatest need. We are proud to be a leader in supplying wholesale hygiene kits for homeless and the elderly, especially in this time of intense need nationwide.
We’re All In This Together
We at Bags in Bulk are just as human as everyone else, and so of course do find ourselves sometimes feeling frightened, and acting with an abundance of caution in everything we do. Above all, however, we feel intensely grateful for that which we have, and for the continued generosity we see and hear every day from the medical professionals, organizations, and individuals who give their all to help others.
A family company ourselves, we are inspired to do our part, and to that end we pledge that we will never price gouge, and we will never falter in working hard to provide the best value for items that all families need. We are proud to offer a way to give the gift of health and peace of mind in these trying times. We are truly one world right now, and it’s important that we all remember that. Stay healthy, everyone.