Keeping Warm and Giving the Gift of Wholesale Winter Gear
Have you ever run out to your car for a brief winter’s moment for something, and simply not bothered to put on your coat? As you rub your hands together and run back inside it’s likely that the first thing you remark is, “Whew, it’s really cold out there!” The best thing about that sentiment is that for you, the cold has now ended, and next time you go outside, even briefly, you’re likely to put on your coat.
Donating coats and jackets can save lives
Imagine, though, that the next time you go outside it’s to stay. You’ve lost a permanent home or dwelling, have nowhere to go, and don’t even have a coat. It’s a truly horrible thought for us, but it’s an even sadder reality to many. In winter that cold that they face is not only brutal; it can be lethal. This winter, help save lives by donating wholesale winter coats to a shelter or outreach organization.
And it’s not just the homeless and displaced who suffer the most in winter. Entire families who just simply don’t have the means to purchase proper outerwear for themselves and their children also have to endure the dangerous cold. Children walking to school, children in foster care, women fleeing domestic violence with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and men who have fallen on hard times all equally deserve access to a simple winter coat.
Wholesale winter gear for homeless shelter donations
Bags in Bulk saw a critical need that wasn’t being filled, and we are proud to now be offering bulk winter coats for men, women, boys, and girls alike. Each pack comes with 20 cheap winter coats (in price but never quality) in its own assortment of colors and multiple sizes that range from small to extra-large, so that each order can help the maximum number of people in need in every community.
Wholesale and bulk winter coats for homeless care packages
Each wholesale winter coat is actually filled with an equally warm, heat insulating 100% polyester fiber fill (so allergy sufferers do not have to worry about real down feathers,) and its outer is water-resistant and wind-proof, to keep out winter’s snows, sleet, and winds. Each warm winter jacket also has a built-in hood, falls at thigh length, has two deep side pockets, and also includes an inside chest pocket for extra storage.
Bulk discounts on winter coats and hats
Whether it’s a neighbor whose family has fallen on hard times, or the men and women facing this brutal cold outside in temporary shelters, there is no end to the number of countless individuals and organizations nationwide who could benefit greatly for a simple donation of a pack of wholesale winter coats in bulk.
The next time you run outside for an errand, a walk in the snow, or are just going to work, keep in mind how lucky you are to be able to do so with protection against the cold, snow, and bitter chills of winter that can cause pain, frostbite, or worse, as well as how easy it is to make a difference for those who need it most.