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Bulk Blankets Folded

Blanketing Those in Need with the Gift of Strength, Love, and Comfort

The Security of a Throw Blanket

No matter the weather or season, when someone returns home after a long day it is always a wonderful feeling to curl up under a nice throw blanket to relax and read, watch tv, or just drift off to sleep. It’s such a basic amenity that most people tend to take it entirely for granted.


For the thousands of homeless and displaced persons nationwide, however, the basic comfort and warmth of a blanket is something that many can only long for. They sleep on hard, wet cardboard and jagged pavement, often with little to no protection against the elements or even people passing by.

We’ve Got You “Covered” with wholesale blankets

Comfort and a soft sleeping blanket are two basic rights that we at Bags in Bulk believe all human beings deserve access to. We offer a dozen different, unique 24 packs of bulk fleece blankets in a wide assortment of colors, sizes, and patterns so that there is something for every need and every community.

There are blankets in solid colors, wholesale plaid fleece blankets in sets of 4 color-styles, two different mixed color packs, as well as 30” x 40”, 50” x 60”, and even 60” x 90” inch throw blanket packs for every reason and season.

A Blanketed Approach to Helping Others

Donating blankets to a homeless shelter, women’s center, or even a nursing home provides comfort and a feeling of care (and warmth) to those individuals most in need of it. Most importantly, though, is the fact that the gift of a donation of bulk fleece blankets provides so much more than just the physical gift of a blanket.

Fleece Blankets 50" x 60" -

A blanket is a universal symbol for security and love. To be enveloped in a donated blanket is to know that someone cares, that an individual is not alone, and that they have protection against the elements, the roughness of the streets, and even feelings of loneliness. It gives a bed cover to an individual without one, an extra layer of warmth on cold nights, a soft place to lie down, and a way to feel safe.  

A gifted blanket signifies hope, and there is no greater gift than that.

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